We’re proud to announce that this year we’ll be supporting the MS
Society, a charity which is very close to our hearts. It seems to be a
million to 1 chance that both Ellie of Habitat Lettings and
her father, Dale, suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, as the condition is not
known to be hereditary. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological
condition which affects around 100,000 people in the UK.
Our first challenge is the Buildwas 10K Kickass Endurance mud run in
February! Ellie, Alice and Ryan, will be enduring the 10 kilometres of
freezing cold water, heavy mud, and obstacles. The route is described as
“A shifting terrain and a high number of obstacles packed within the
10km course, making this event an all-time classic in the world of
obstacle course racing.”
Ryan thought this would be a good challenge to start the year off. “The
girls really don’t know what they have let themselves in for! They are
used to sipping coffee in the warm office, so to be doing a run in ice
cold February will be a real challenge for them”.
Habitat Lettings aim to raise up to £2,000 for the charity by the end of
2016. If you would like to support us, please donate online via our just
giving page.